Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Comilla is the 3rd oldest and 7th largest city in Bangladesh. Laksham and Akhaura junctions of Bangladesh Railway are located near this town. So, the railway is the most popular and busy way to travel from Comilla to Dhaka. This article provides the latest information about Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2023.

The distance from Dhaka to Comilla is 191 kilometers, according to the railway authorities. At present luxury trains are running on the Comilla to Dhaka route, which has all the modern facilities. In addition, the train ticket price is much more lower than other public transports. Therefore, choosing a train for your journey from Comilla to Dhaka is better in all respects.

Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2023
Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2023.

Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule

Intercity Trains

There are 4 intercity trains available for you from Comilla to Dhaka. Each train has separate off-day, departure and arrival times. However, since the intercity train is very fast, it takes less breaks in the middle and it has AC cabin, food canteen, prayer place, clean toilet and adequate security guard, so the intercity train is the first choice of the passengers.

Now, let’s take a look at the time schedule of trains for comilla to dhaka:

Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
Mahanagar Godhuli 05:50 PM 09:25 PM No
Upakul Express 08:03 AM 11:45 AM Wed
Mahanagar Express 03:23 PM 07:10 PM Sun
Turna Express 01:50 AM 05:10 AM No
Mail Trains

There are 5 mail express trains running from Comilla to Dhaka. They also have their own schedules. Note that mail trains are not luxurious and have limited passenger service. However, there are safety measures in Mail Express trains as well. The following table gives the schedule of mail trains running on Comilla to Dhaka route:

Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
Dhaka Mail 01:22 AM 07:20 AM No
Karnafuli Express 01:28 PM 07:40 PM No
Dhaka Express 11:35 PM 04:25 AM No
Chattala Express 11:57 AM 03:50 PM Tue
Comilla Commuter 06:10 AM 12:50 PM Tue
Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and ticket price 2023
A Comilla to Dhaka train awaits start at the station.

Comilla to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Trains have different quality seats. The train fare will depend on the quality of the seats. The following table shows the Comilla to Dhaka train ticket price for each class of seats as per the latest update of Bangladesh Railway:

Seat Class Ticket Price
2nd Class General 55 Taka
2nd Class Mail 70 Taka
Commuter 85 Taka
Sulov 105 Taka
Shovan 170 Taka
Shovan Chair 205 Taka
1st Class Chair 270 Taka
Snigdha 391 Taka
1st Berth 405 Taka
AC Seat 466 Taka
AC Berth 702 Taka
Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and ticket price 2023
Comilla Commuter, a modern and eye-pleasing train.

Comilla to Dhaka Train Ticket Online

From now on, you no longer have to physically go to the railway station and stand in queues to buy a train ticket. Instead, you can buy tickets for your Comilla to Dhaka trip from the comfort of your own home. Using a mobile phone or laptop and two minutes time is enough to buy an e-ticket. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to buy a train ticket online:
Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking Online.

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