Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Feni is a district town in the Chattogram Division of Bangladesh. It is one of the fastest growing urban areas in the country. The distance from the capital Dhaka to Feni is 255 km. Are you looking for Dhaka to Feni train schedule? This article contains all the information you need including Dhaka to Feni train ticket price in 2023.

Recently, the schedule of Bangladesh Railway has changed. Here we’ve arranged all the necessary information for your Dhaka to Feni train journey as per the latest revised schedule by Bangladesh Railway.

Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule, Dhaka to Feni Train Ticket Price, Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule

There are 3 intercity trains running on Dhaka to Feni route. They are: Mahanagar Godhuli, Mahanagar Express and Turna Express. Among them, Turna and Mahanagar Godhuli run 7 days a week from Dhaka to Feni. But Mahanagar Express is closed on Sundays.

In addition to the above 3 intercity trains, 3 more mail trains also run on Dhaka to Feni train route. These are Dhaka Mail, Karnafuli Express and Chattala Express. Mail trains are not as fast as intercity trains. So it would be convenient for you to choose an intercity train for your trip. Intercity trains currently take about three hours to reach Feni from Dhaka. On the other hand, Mail trains take a little more to cover the same distance.

Now we’re compiling detailed information about Dhaka to Feni train schedule for you. The following table shows the departure time of each train from Dhaka and its arrival at Feni.

Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule 2023


Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
Mahanagar Godhuli 09:45 PM 03:30 AM No
Turna Express 12:30 AM 05:25 AM No
Mahanagar Express 02:05 PM 07:00 PM Sunday

Dhaka to Feni Train Schedule 2023


Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
Dhaka Mail 07:05 AM 11:50 AM No
Karnafuli Express 08:00 PM 01:10 AM No
Chattala Express 03:55 PM 09:05 PM Tuesday

Dhaka to Feni Train Ticket Price

So far we’ve got details about Dhaka to Feni train schedule. Now is the time to find about dhaka to feni train ticket price. So according to the chart published by Bangladesh Railway, we’re mentioning the train fare of this route in the table below. Finally, there will be a little bit talks on Dhaka to Feni train ticket booking system.

Trains in Bangladesh have different quality of seats. Ticket prices are determined according to the class of the seats. When buying tickets you can choose any quality seat according to your budget and choice. Follow the table below to know the ticket price of Dhaka-Feni train for all classes.

Dhaka to Feni Train Ticket Price 2023

Seat Class Ticket Price
2nd Class General 70 Taka
2nd Class Mail 90 Taka
Commuter 110 Taka
Sulov 135 Taka
Shovan 220 Taka
Shovan Chair 265 Taka
1st Class Chair 350 Taka
Snigdha 506 Taka
1st Berth 525 Taka
AC Seat 604 Taka
AC Berth 909 Taka

Dhaka to Feni Train Ticket Booking

A long awaited opportunity for train travelers is, you can now purchase Bangladesh railway online tickets for Dhaka to Feni route or any destination you desire from the comfort of your own home. A computer or smartphone with internet connection is enough for this. Read this article to know more about how to buy online train ticket, step by step: Bangladesh Railway Online Train Ticket.

Dhaka to Feni Route in Video

This video was recorded on the way from Dhaka to Feni by train. The view of the water bodies and trees along the railway line is really nice.

Wishes! 🌺

This is all about Dhaka to Feni train schedule with ticket price in 2023. You can also take a look at Feni to Dhaka train schedule, if you would like to know the information about your return route. Feel free to contact us if you’ve any further question about this. Thank you so much for spending some time with us.

Have a nice journey!

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