Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023
The distance from Dhaka to Kishoreganj by rail is 135 kilometers. If you want to go to Kishoreganj from Dhaka by train, you can reach your destination at much lower cost than other vehicles. And that is why you need to know the Dhaka to Kishoreganj train schedule first. This trip will not take more than four hours. Information that will be needed for your trip, all we have given here. Not only Dhaka to Kishoreganj train schedule, but we have also included information about your return trip Kishoreganj to Dhaka train schedule, Dhaka to Kishoreganj train ticket price or vice versa Kishoreganj to Dhaka train ticket price here in this article.
According to the latest updates of Bangladesh Railway, all the information required for your train journey from Dhaka to Kishoreganj or Kishoreganj to Dhaka is provided here. It is to be noted that the concerned authorities may change the schedule and rent given here at any time. If that happens, we will update this list immediately.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule
3 intercity trains are available on Dhaka to Kishoreganj route. These are Egarosindhur Pravati, Egarosindhur Godhuli and Kishoreganj Express.
Egarosindhur Pravati leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 07:15 am and reaches Kishoreganj at 11:15 am. The weekly off-day for Egarosindhur Pravati is Wednesday.
Egarosindhur Godhuli leaves Dhaka at 06:40 pm and reaches Kishoreganj at 10:45 pm. This train runs 7 days a week.
Finally, Kishoreganj Express. It leaves Dhaka at 10:45 am and reaches Kishoreganj at 03:00 pm. Friday is the off day for Kishoreganj Express.
Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Schedule 2023
Intercity Trains
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Egarosindhur Pravati | 07:15 AM | 11:15 AM | Wednesday |
Egarosindhur Godhuli | 06:40 PM | 10:45 PM | No |
Kishoreganj Express | 10:45 AM | 03:00 PM | Friday |
Kishoreganj to Dhaka Train Schedule
3 intercity trains and 1 mail/express train are available on Kishoreganj to Dhaka route. Intercity trains are Egarosindhur Pravati, Egarasindhur Godhuli and Kishoreganj Express; and the mail train runs on this route is Isha Khan Express.
Egarosindhur Pravati leaves Kishoreganj at 06:30 am and reaches Dhaka at 10:40 am. Egarosindhur Pravati has no off-day, it runs everyday.
Egarosindhur Godhuli leaves Kishoreganj at 12:50 pm and reaches Dhaka at 05:05 pm. Egarosindhur Godhuli runs 6 days a week, it’s off on Wednesday.
Kishoreganj Express leaves Kishoreganj at 04:00 pm and reaches Dhaka at 08:10 pm. Friday is the off day for Kishoreganj Express.
The mail train Isha Khan Express runs everyday from Kishoreganj to Dhaka. It leaves Kishoreganj at 04:52 pm and reaches its destination at 11:55 pm.
Kishoreganj to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023
Intercity Trains
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Egarosindhur Pravati | 06:30 AM | 10:40 AM | No |
Egarosindhur Godhuli | 12:50 PM | 05:05 PM | Wednesday |
Kishoreganj Express | 04:00 PM | 08:10 PM | Friday |
Mail Trains
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Isha Khan Express | 04:52 PM | 11:55 PM | No |
Dhaka to Kishoreganj / Kishoreganj to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Train ticket prices are determined according to the quality of the seats. There are different categories of cheap, medium and luxurious seats in the trains of Bangladesh. Details about Dhaka to Kishoreganj train ticket price or vice versa Kishoreganj to Dhaka train ticket price is given in the table below. This price table has been prepared according to the latest price chart by Bangladesh Railway, you can choose any seat of your choice.
Dhaka to Kishoreganj / Kishoreganj to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2023
Seat Class | Ticket Price |
2nd Class General | 40 Taka |
2nd Class Mail | 50 Taka |
Commuter | 65 Taka |
Sulov | 75 Taka |
Shovan | 125 Taka |
Shovan Chair | 150 Taka |
1st Class Chair | 200 Taka |
Snigdha | 288 Taka |
1st Berth | 300 Taka |
AC Seat | 385 Taka |
AC Berth | 518 Taka |
Dhaka to Kishoreganj Train Ticket Online
A pleasure for train travelers, Bangladesh Railway Online Ticket Booking through Esheba, App & Mobile is now available. So you can buy train tickets from Dhaka to Kishoreganj or to your preferred destinations from the comfort of your own home. Currently, due to the Corona epidemic, most people want to avoid the crowds at the railway station and book train tickets online. So here is a step by step guideline on how to buy a train ticket online. You can easily buy a train ticket at home by following this:
Kishoreganj Express in Video
Watch the train Kishoreganj Express running on Dhaka to Kishoreganj route in this amazing video. The video was captured while the train was crossing a railway bridge over the Shitalakshya river.
Kishoreganj Express running fast on Dhaka to Kishoreganj train route.
Wishes! 🌺
Here is all we had about Dhaka to Kishoreganj train schedule, Kishoreganj to Dhaka train schedule and Dhaka to Kishoreganj train ticket price and Kishoreganj to Dhaka train ticket price, according to Bangladesh Railway. If you have any query about this article, please feel free to contact us. Thank you so much for spending a while with us.
Have a nice journey!