Are you thinking of going to Narayanganj and looking for a Dhaka to Narayanganj train schedule, or reversely Narayanganj to Dhaka train schedule? Then you are in the right place. Detailed information about Dhaka-Narayanganj-Dhaka train schedule has been provided here.
According to the Roads and Highways Department of the Government of Bangladesh, the distance from Dhaka to Narayanganj is only 17 kilometers. However, since it is a famous river port and industrial city, thousands of people travel from Dhaka to Narayanganj every day.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule
There are 6 commuter trains running on Dhaka-Narayanganj-Dhaka route. 3 of them go from Dhaka to Narayanganj and 3 from Narayanganj to Dhaka. These trains run 6 days a week from Saturday to Thursday, Friday is their off day. The following table shows the Dhaka to Narayanganj train schedule:
Train Name
5.40 AM
6.20 AM
01.40 PM
02:20 PM
10:05 PM
10:50 PM
Narayanganj to Dhaka Train Schedule
Like Dhaka to Narayanganj, there are also 3 commuter trains go from Narayanganj to Dhaka. These trains run 6 days a week from Saturday to Thursday, Friday is off-day. The following table shows the Narayanganj to Dhaka train schedule, according to Bangladesh National Portal for Narayanganj district: