Dhaka to Srimangal Train Timetable

Srimangal is one of the best tourist destinations in Bangladesh, with the largest tea garden in the world. Srimangal, known as the capital of tea, is an upazila in the south-western part of Moulvibazar district in Sylhet division. 185 sq km of the upazila, which is about half of its area, is covered with green tea gardens.

If you want to travel from Dhaka to Srimangal by a train, you should first know the updated information about Dhaka to Srimangal train schedule and ticket price.

Here we’ve highlighted Dhaka to Srimangal distance, train time and train ticket price, according to Bangladesh railway.

Dhaka to Srimangal train timetable
Dhaka to Srimangal train time table

If you like to visit the tea garden, then you must know that the first tea garden in the subcontinent is the Malnicherra tea garden in Sylhet. The Malnicherra stretches for miles and miles over the undulating mountains. For detailed travel information, please visit: Malnicherra Tea Estate.

Check details of: Ena Bus Ticket Counters.

The distance from Dhaka to Srimangal by rail is 231 km, according to Bangladesh Railway. And by road Srimangal is 200 kilometers away from Dhaka, as shown by Roads and Highways Department. You can go from Dhaka to Srimangal by bus or train, either way you like. But although it’s a bit longer, the train is much safer and more affordable than the bus.

If you want to know the distance from the capital Dhaka to other district cities of Bangladesh by road and rail, check it out: Dhaka to All District Distance.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train List

Srimangal is a substation between Dhaka to Sylhet Railway. So the trains that run from Dhaka to Sylhet are also the trains for Dhaka to Srimangal route. That means you’ve to take a Sylhet-bound train to reach Srimangal.

4 intercity trains and 1 mail train run regularly on Dhaka to Srimangal route. The trains are:

  1. Parabat Express,
  2. Jayantika Express,
  3. Upaban Express,
  4. Kalni Express and
  5. Surma Mail.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Route Map

The 231 km long Dhaka to Srimangal train route has some substations and stoppages on the way. If you would like to know in detail about each stop and turn of Dhaka to Srimangal train route map, you can download and view the following PDF file:

But if we state shortly, there are a total of 12 notable train stops from your initial station of Dhaka Kamalapur Station up to the destination station of Srimangal. They are as follows:

Dhaka Kamlapur station > Dhaka Airport station > Ashuganj > Brahmanbaria > Azampur > Mukundapur > Harshapur > Mantala > Nayapara > Shahaji Bazar > Shaestaganj > Srimangal.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Time Schedule

Intercity trains are the fastest trains operated by Bangladesh Railway. The following Dhaka to Srimangal train time table shows the departure and arrival time of intercity trains Parabat Express (709), Jayantika Express (717), Upaban Express (739) and Kalni Express (773).

Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
709 - Parabat Express 06:20 AM 10:30 AM Tuesday
717 - Jayantika Express 11:15 AM 04:10 PM No
739 - Upaban Express 08:30 PM 01:27 AM Wednesday
773 - Kalni Express 03:00 PM 06:57 PM Friday
09 - Surma Mail 10:50 PM 07:28 AM No
Dhaka to Srimangal train Kalani Express
Kalni Express, the fastest train from Dhaka to Srimangal, is entering the Lawachara national forest.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Ticket Price

Here we’re highlighting Dhaka to Srimangal train ticket price for the four mentioned intercity trains Parabat Express, Jayantika Express, Upaban Express, Kalni Express and a mail train Surma Express as per the latest Bangladesh Railway Train Price chart. You certainly know that trains in Bangladesh have different quality of seats. You can choose any quality seat according to your budget and choice while buying tickets. Follow the table below to know Dhaka to Srimangal train ticket price for all classes.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Ticket Price table

Seat Class Ticket Price
2nd Class General 60 Taka
2nd Class Mail 80 Taka
Commuter 100 Taka
Sulov 120 Taka
Shovan 200 Taka
Shovan Chair 240 Taka
1st Class Chair 320 Taka
Snigdha 460 Taka
1st Berth 480 Taka
AC Seat 552 Taka
AC Berth 828 Taka

If you like to travel from Dhaka to Sylhet by bus instead of train, here is the list of available buses, fares, location of bus counters and their mobile phone numbers: Dhaka to Sylhet Bus: Ticket Price & Contacts.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Ticket Online

As a traveler, it is definitely a relief for you that from now on you can buy train tickets for Dhaka to Srimangal or any other destination online from the comfort of your own home. As before, you no longer have to go to train stations and stand in queues. Actually buying a train ticket online is very simple, it takes nothing more than using your laptop or smartphone and a few minutes of time.

You can buy a maximum of 4 tickets online at a time through Bangladesh Railway’s esheba service, and you have to choose your seats from the 5 available qualities.

To buy a train ticket online from Bangladesh Railway, first enter the esheba website. Provide your name, mobile number and email address here, sign up and then sign in. After signing in, you will see a form with six cells. In this form, select from the dropdown menu when and from where to where you want to go, how many seats you want of which quality, whether you have any child with you, then click the Find button. Then esheba website will display the names of trains available on your preferred date along with ticket prices.

If you did all of this right, click on the purchase ticket button and pay for your ticket by credit card or bKash or any other means of payment. Your desired train tickets will be delivered to your e-mail immediately. Now print this e-ticket from your email inbox and submit it along with a photocopy of your National Identity Card to the concerned station 15 minutes before the scheduled time of your trip. The station master will then hand you your original train ticket.

Here we’ve briefly stated the process of how to buy train ticket online. If you don’t understand something clearly or are looking for a guideline on online train tickets that explains the whole process step-by-step, please take a look at this article: Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking Online.

☕ Welcome to the tea-land! 🌺

This was all the necessary information about Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule and ticket prices. You may have a look at Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule. Feel free to contact us if you have any further question about this.

Sylhet is a land of natural beauty. So, here is a list of popular tourist destinations that you can enjoy while visiting Sylhet. When you click on one of them, an illustrated guide to travel to that place will open in front of you.

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