Dhaka to Sylhet Bus: Ticket Price & Contacts

এই লেখা বাঙলায় পড়ুন এখানে

Sylhet is one of the most beautiful cities in Bangladesh located on the banks of the river Surma. Every day thousands of people come from Dhaka to Sylhet for travel and commercial purposes. They want to know how to go from Dhaka to Sylhet, what buses run on Dhaka to Sylhet route, where to get Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket, distance from Dhaka to Sylhet by road, what is the fare of Dhaka to Sylhet bus, where is the ticket counter of Sylhet bound buses in Dhaka city, whether there is phone numbers of bus counters to confirm a ticket etc.

Well, this article contains the necessary information for the bus journey from Dhaka to Sylhet and the answers to all such questions. Therefore, keep reading.

Ena Paribahan Dhaka to Chittagong
Ena, most popular among Dhaka to Sylhet buses.

According to Bangladesh National Portal, Dhaka to Sylhet distance by road is 245 kilometers. And the distance from Dhaka to Sylhet by rail is 319 kilometers. At present 8 non-AC and 5 AC buses are running on Dhaka to Sylhet road. Among them, buses of Ena Transport (Pvt) Ltd, Hanif Enterprise and Shyamoli Paribahan are the most popular.

It takes about 6 hours to reach Sylhet from Dhaka by bus.

On the other hand, Bangladesh Railway is operating 4 intercity and 1 mail train on the Dhaka to Sylhet route. The train Parabat Express leaves at 06:20 AM from Kamalapur Railway Station in Dhaka for Sylhet and reaches its destination at 01:00 PM. 1st class chair will cost 425 taka. For details about Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule and ticket price, please click: Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price.

To know the distance from Dhaka to all other district towns by road and rail, please check this: Dhaka to All District Distance.

Dhaka to Sylhet Bus List

Dhaka to Sylhet highway is one of the busiest highways in Bangladesh. Many bus companies provide passenger services on this route. They operate both AC and non-AC buses.

So, we’ve mentioned the buses plying on the Dhaka to Sylhet route divided into two parts: AC bus and non-AC bus. Because the fare of AC bus is two and a half to three times more than non-AC bus.

Dhaka to Sylhet non-AC bus fare: 400-470 taka.
Dhaka to Sylhet AC bus fare: 900-1200 taka.

Dhaka to Sylhet non-AC bus list


Dhaka to Sylhet AC bus list
  • Green Line Paribahan
  • Ena Paribahan
  • London Express
  • Golden Line Paribahan

Buses from Dhaka to Sylhet leave from Gabtali, Sayedabad, Fakirapul, Mohakhali etc. various terminals in Dhaka city. Note that there are Dhaka-Sylhet buses outside the list too, such as: Saudia, Mamun. However, considering the quality of passenger service, we’ve shortened this list.

Dhaka to Sylhet bus Shyamoli Paribahan.
Interior view of a new Shyamoli bus of Dhaka to Sylhet.

Ena Paribahan, the most popular transport, runs the largest number of buses on Dhaka to Sylhet route. More counter numbers of this bus service, all over the country including Dhaka, you can find here: Ena Bus Ticket Counters.

Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Fare & Contacts

Non-AC Buses

Bus Name Fare Counter / Phone
Ena Paribahan 470 Taka Mohakhali: 01760-737650
Fakirapul: 01869-802736
Mirpur: 01869-802731
Abdullahpur: 01869-802729
Sayedabad: 01869-802738
Hanif Enterprise 470 Taka Kalyanpur: 01713-049540
Shyamali: 01713-402639
Gabtali: 02-9012902
Fakirapul: 02-7191512
Sayedabad: 01713-402673
Shyamoli Paribahan 470 Taka Gabtali: 01865-068925
Asad Gate: 01714-619173
Kalyanpur: 01716-478951
Sayedabad: 02-7541336
Fakirapul: 02-7193725
Unique Service 470 Taka Asad Gate: 01963-622255
Fakirapul: 01963-622226
Mirpur 10: 01963-622240
Kamlapur: 01963-622299
Sayedabad: 01963-622235
Al-Mubaraka 400 Taka Dhaka Counter: 01610-801024
Fakirapul: 01610-801025
Chittagong Road: 01610-801027
Belanagar: 01610-801028

Get mobile numbers of all counters in Bangladesh and Kolkata of Shyamoli Paribahan.

Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Fare & Contacts

AC Buses

Bus Name Ticket Price Counter / Phone
Green Line Paribahan ৳ 950-1200 Arambagh: 01730-060009
Fakirapul: 01730-060013
Kolabagan: 01730-060006
Kalyanpur: 01730-060081
Badda: 01970-060074
Ena Paribahan ৳ 1200 Mohakhali: 01760-737650
Airport: 01760-737652
Tongi: 01760-737653
Sayedabad: 01869-802738
Fakirapul: 01869-802736
London Express ৳ 900-1200 Arambag: 01701-220011
Kolabagan: 01701-220033
Uttara: 01701-220012
Golden Line Paribahan ৳ 1000-1200 Kalyanpur: 01705-408500
Nabinagar: 01733-208884
Rayerbazar: 01733-208885
Gulistan: 01733-036003
Sayedabad: 01709-642585

Info on Dhaka to Sylhet bus may change

The information we have quoted above about Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket fares and phone numbers may change at any time. If you find any information incorrect, please let us know by clicking this link. We will fix it immediately. If you have any complaints about any bus service, please contact the concerned authorities. Please like our Facebook page to always get the latest information about travel and transportation. You can leave your experience in the comments box below on which bus you traveled and what was the quality of their service, your reviews will help the authorities to improve their services for passengers. Thank you so much for being with us.

Have a nice journey!

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