Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2021
Dhaka to Tangail train journey is a very convenient and comfortable journey. Most of the passengers travel by train from the capital city of Bangladesh to this important city in the north-west. Because this route has the largest number of trains in the country.
If you want to travel from Dhaka to Tangail by a train, you should know about Dhaka to Tangail train schedule and ticket price. That is what we are providing here updated information for Dhaka to Tangail train, according to Bangladesh Railway.
This is the correct calculation of the distance from Dhaka to Tangail. The information found by searching on the internet about distance is not accurate as it depends on GPS.
Dhaka to Tangail Train List
At present, 10 intercity trains and 1 mail train run from Dhaka to Tangail. Let’s first have a look at them:
The trains that run on the Tangail to Dhaka route also run on the opposite route Dhaka to Tangail. So, if you want to read the details of these eleven trains, check the ‘Tangail to Dhaka train schedule‘. We are not putting it here to avoid repetition.
You can buy Dhaka to Tangail train ticket in two ways. One is to go directly to the station and buy a ticket, the other is to buy a train ticket online from the comfort of your own home.
If you appear before the station to buy a train ticket, you may have to stand in a line, that’s disgusting and wastes your time. That is why buying train tickets online is becoming popular day by day in Bangladesh.
If you want to book Dhaka to Tangail train ticket online, follow the short guidelines below. The step-by-step process is simply described here: