Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Time Table 2021

Distance from Dhaka to Thakurgaon is about 400 km. If you think to go from Dhaka to Thakurgaon, then the train may be the most comfortable and convenient for this long journey. That is why you need to know about Dhaka to Thakurgaon train schedule / time table first.

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Schedule Time Table 2020
Inauguration of Thakurgaon-Dhaka train at Thakurgaon station.

In this article we have included updated information about Dhaka to Thakurgaon train schedule and ticket price as per Bangladesh Railway.

There are three intercity trains from the capital Dhaka to Thakurgaon, in the north-western part of the country. These trains are: Panchagarh Express, Ekta Express and Drutayan Express.

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Timetable

Panchagarh Express

Panchagarh Express is the longest non-stop rail service in Bangladesh connecting Panchagarh-Dhaka. The train runs on Dhaka-Panchagarh route with a total of 13 bogies. Panchagarh Express leaves Dhaka’s Kamalapur railway station at 12:10 am every day and reaches Thakurgaon at 08:55 am the next day. On the other hand, Panchagarh Express leaves Thakurgaon station at 01:53 pm and reaches Dhaka at 10:35 pm.

Ekota Express

Ekota Express is an intercity train operated by Bangladesh Railway, which runs between the capital Dhaka and the northern Panchagarh district. It is one of the fastest and most luxurious trains in Bangladesh. On its way, the train stopped at Thakurgaon station. Ekota Express leaves Dhaka daily at 10:10 am and reaches Panchagarh at 08:15 pm. The total number of bogies in Ekota Express is 13. The train can carry about 1,200 passengers.

Drutajan Express

Drutajan Express is another high-speed intercity train operated by the Bangladesh Railway, which runs between the capital Dhaka and northern Panchagarh districts via Thakurgaon. Drutajan Express leaves Dhaka every night at 08:00 and reaches Thakurgaon at 05:15 the next morning.

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Schedule (Table)

Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
Panchagarh Express 12:10 AM 01:53 PM No
Ekota Express 10:10 AM 08:15 PM No
Drutajan Express 08:00 PM 05:15 AM No
Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Schedule Time Table 2021
Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Schedule 2021.

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Ticket Price

You can go to Thakurgaon from Dhaka at a much lower cost than by bus. The train fare depends on the quality of the seats. The following list shows the rentals for the 3 most popular seats:

Seat Class Ticket Price
Shovan Chair 520 Taka
AC Seat 989 Taka
AC Berth 1833 Taka

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Ticket Online

You can now buy tickets from Dhaka to Thakurgaon or any of your other destinations from the comfort of your own home. To buy a train ticket online is a very simple process. Click on the link below for details: Bangladesh Railway Online Train Ticket.

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