Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule

The distance from Mymensingh to Dhaka by rail is 123 km. If you want to go from Mymensingh to the capital city of Dhaka, it would be better to choose a train. Since traveling by train is comfortable, and you can reach your destination in just three hours. Before you leave home to catch a train, first you need to know Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule. Also if you have an idea about the price of Mymensingh to Dhaka train ticket, it will make your journey more convenient.

Our purpose in this post is to provide you with the above two types of information, which can help make your trip enjoyable and comfortable.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule, 2023

Mymensingh to Dhaka train route is one of the most important and busiest train routes in Bangladesh. 12 trains run on this route. Of these, 6 are intercity trains and the remaining 6 are mail trains.

Intercity trains on Mymensingh-Dhaka route are: Tista Express, Aghnibina Express, Brahmaputra Express, Jamuna Express, Hawr Express and Mohangonj Express.

Mail trains on Mymensingh-Dhaka route are: Isha Khan Express, Mahua Express, Dewangonj Commuter, Balaka Commuter, Jamalpur Commuter and Vawal Express.

In this post, we’re going to describe the schedule of all the above two types of trains. The information is taken from Bangladesh Railway. After reading this, you’ll learn the details about the departure and arrival times and off-days of all those trains.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023

Intercity Train

Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
708 - Tista Express 05:10 PM 08:25 PM Monday
736 - Aghnibina Express 08:02 PM 11:00 PM No
744 - Brahmaputra Express 09:10 AM 12:40 PM No
746 - Jamuna Express 04:30 AM 07:45 AM No
778 - Hawr Express 10:38 AM 01:50 PM Thursday
790 - Mohanganj Express 02:05 AM 05:00 AM Monday

Mail Train

Train Name Departure Arrival
48 - Dewanganj Commuter 03:33 PM 07:25 PM
52 - Jamalpur Commuter 07:33 AM 11:15 AM
40 - Isha Khan Express 02:00 AM 11:55 PM
44 - Mahua Express 05:35 PM 09:10 PM
50 - Balaka Commuter 01:52 PM 05:40 PM
56 - Vawal Express 05:55 AM 12:05 PM

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Train ticket price in Bangladesh depends on which class of seat you are booking. There are many classes of seats. You can book any class of seats according to your budget and choice. For all classes of seats, we are giving here Mymensingh to Dhaka train ticket price as per Bangladesh Railway price chart in the table below.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2023

Seat Class Ticket Price
2nd Class General 35 Taka
2nd Class Mail 50 Taka
Commuter 60 Taka
Sulov 70 Taka
Shovan 120 Taka
Shovan Chair 140 Taka
1st Class Chair 185 Taka
Snigdha 271 Taka
1st Berth 280 Taka
AC Seat 322 Taka
AC Berth 483 Taka

Mymensingh to Dhaka Online Train Ticket

The good news for train travelers is that Bangladesh Railway has launched online ticket booking system. You can easily book a seat on your desired train, such as Mymensingh to Dhaka train, using the internet from the comfort of your own home. For details on how to confirm train tickets online, please read: Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking Online.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train in Video

Watch the video of Agnibina express train running on Mymensingh to Dhaka route.


Here is all the relevant information you need to know about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price according to the latest notification of Bangladesh Railway. You can also take a look at Dhaka to Mymensingh train schedule, if you would like to know the information about your return route. Please leave a comment, and feel free to contact us if you’ve any further question about this. Thank you so much for spending some time with us.

Have a nice journey!

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