Noakhali to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance from Noakhali to Dhaka is 263 kilometers. It’s a long way. So, if you want to go to Dhaka from Noakhali, then it would be better to choose train as a vehicle. Because traveling by train is relatively safe and comfortable. Since trains run on time, it is important to know the schedule before the train travels. If you want to go by train from Noakhali to Dhaka, you need to know Noakhali To Dhaka Train Schedule first. However, not only the schedule here, but also we will inform you in detail about Noakhali To Dhaka Train Ticket Price.

Recently some changes have been made in the schedule of Bangladesh Railway. Therefore, we have carefully arranged all the necessary information for your Noakhali to Dhaka train journey here as per the latest revised schedule of Bangladesh Railway.

Noakhali To Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Noakhali To Dhaka Train Schedule

There are two trains available on Noakhali to Dhaka route. One is an intercity train and other is a mail train.

The name of the Noakhali-Dhaka intercity train is (711) Upakul Express. It leaves Noakhali railway station at 06:00 in the morning and reaches Dhaka’s Kamalapur railway station at 11:50 am. That means a trip of about 6 hours. The weekly off day of Upakul Express is Wednesday. Everyone prefers intercity trains to travel such a long distances.

On the other hand, the name of the mail train runs on Noakhali to Dhaka route is (11) Dhaka Express. It leaves Noakhali railway station at 08:45 pm and reaches Dhaka’s Kamalapur railway station just before dawn, at 04:25 am. This means the train takes more than 7 and a half hours to reach the destination. Anyway, Dhaka Express does not have a weekly off day. It goes on every day.

Noakhali to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023


Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
711 - Upakul Express 06:00 AM 11:50 AM Wednesday

Noakhali to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023


Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
11 - Dhaka Express 08:45 PM 04:25 AM No

Noakhali to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price depends on the class of seat you are choosing. Each train has many seats of different quality. You can reach your destination at a much lower cost than other public transport if you travel in a standard seat. In the table below, we’re giving the details of Noakhali To Dhaka Train Ticket Price as per the latest price chart by Bangladesh Railway, you can choose your preferred seat from here.

Noakhali to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2023

Seat Class Ticket Price
2nd Class General 70 Taka
2nd Class Mail 90 Taka
Commuter 115 Taka
Sulov 135 Taka
Shovan 225 Taka
Shovan Chair 270 Taka
1st Class Chair 360 Taka
Snigdha 518 Taka
1st Berth 540 Taka
AC Seat 621 Taka
AC Berth 932 Taka

Noakhali to Dhaka Train Ticket Online

A special advantage for train travelers in Bangladesh is that you can now buy Bangladesh Railway online tickets from Noakhali to Dhaka route or any other destination from the comfort of your own home. This requires a computer or smartphone. Read the article by clicking on the link below to know how to buy train tickets online. We have discussed the complete process of buying train tickets online step by step in this: Bangladesh Railway Online Train Ticket.

Upakul Express in Video

Here is a video of Noakhali-Dhaka-Noakhali route train Upakul Express.

Wishes! 🌺

Here is all the information we had about the Noakhali to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. If you want to know the information of your return route, you can also take a look at Dhaka to Noakhali Train Schedule and Ticket Price. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to contact us. Thank you so much for spending a while with us.

Have a nice journey!

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