Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule with Ticket Price


Rangpur is a traditional district on the north-western border of Bangladesh. Dhaka can be reached from Rangpur by road, air and rail. However, being a marginal and remote area, it takes a long journey from Rangpur to Dhaka. Since railways are affordable and safe for a long journey, most people prefer to travel by train from Rangpur to Dhaka. This article is about Rangpur to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule Ticket Price 2023, Rangpur Express
Rangpur Express is speeding towards Dhaka leaving Chalan Beel behind.

Rangpur to Dhaka train distance is 539 km, as measured by Bangladesh railway. And by road, the distance between Rangpur to Dhaka is 309 km, according to Bangladesh National Portal. Although the distance by rail is longer than the road, the fare is lower.

If you want to know the exact distance from the capital Dhaka to other district cities of Bangladesh by road and rail, please check it out: Dhaka to All district Distance.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train & Travel Time

Many trains run from Dhaka through Rangpur Railway Station, such as Lalmoni Express, Nilsagar Express, Ekota Express, Drutajan Express. But their exact destination is not Rangpur. Instead, there is only one intercity train dedicated to Rangpur, and that is Rangpur Express. So, if you want to travel by a train from Rangpur to Dhaka, the common train for you is Rangpur Express.

According to the latest updated schedule of Bangladesh Railway, it’ll take you 10 hours to travel from Rangpur to Dhaka by the train Rangpur Express.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2023
Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule

As we stated, one intercity train is available directly for Rangpur to Dhaka route. It’s Rangpur Express.

Like other intercity trains, Rangpur Express also provides good passenger service such as food canteens, clean toilets, prayer places and basic health care.

Rangpur Express train leaves Rangpur at 08:00 pm and reaches Dhaka at 06:05 am.  On Rangpur to Dhaka route, the weekly off day for Rangpur Express is Sunday.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023


Train Name Departure Arrival Off Day
772 - Rangpur Express 08:00 PM 06:05 AM Sunday

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Hope you know that the price of a train ticket is based on the class of seats. Every train has different classes of seats. But on average, if you travel in a standard seat, you’ll be able to travel at a much lower cost than other transports. Below we’re giving details about Rangpur to Dhaka train ticket price according to the latest price chart by Bangladesh Railway, you can choose any quality seat of your choice.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2023

Shovan 420 Taka
Shovan Chair 505 Taka
1st Class Chair 675 Taka
Snigdha 840 Taka
1st Berth 1010 Taka
AC Seat 1010 Taka
AC Berth 1510 Taka

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Online

In Bangladesh, the facility to buy train tickets online from the comfort of one’s own home has been introduced for train passengers. We’ve discussed in detail how to buy train ticket online in Bangladesh. The process is quite simple, and can be done in two minutes. Click on the link below for details. Here we’ve described the whole process of buying train tickets online step by step: Bangladesh Railway Ticket Booking Online.

Rangpur Express train in Video

This is a video of Rangpur Express running fast on Rangpur to Dhaka route.

Wishes! 🌺

This is all about Rangpur to Dhaka train schedule with ticket price. If you also want to know about your return route, you can check out Dhaka to Rangpur Train Schedule with Ticket Price. Feel free to contact us if you’ve any question or suggestion. You can also leave your comments in the comment box below. Thank you so much for spending some time with us.

Have a nice journey!

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