Sirajganj Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

The distance from Dhaka to Sirajganj by rail is 125 km. There is a dedicated intercity train between Dhaka and Sirajganj: it’s Sirajganj Express. Sirajganj Express (Train No. 775/776) is a luxury and modern intercity train operated by Bangladesh Railway, runs only on Dhaka to Sirajganj and Sirajganj to Dhaka route. In this post, we’ll provide you with updated information of Dhaka to Sirajganj train schedule and ticket price and vice versa, for the train Sirajganj Express.

Sirajganj Express train Schedule & Ticket Price
Sirajganj Railway Station, from where Sirajgonj Express leaves for Dhaka.
Before we dive into the detailed schedule and ticket price for the train Sirajganj Express, let’s take a brief look at its seat category and quality. Sirajganj Express intercity train contains 966 seats in 11 carriages, according to official documents of Railway. Of these, 78 air-conditioned Berth (cabins) and first class seat, 105 Snigdha and 783 ordinary chairs. AC Berth is the most comfortable and expensive air-conditioned cabin of any train in Bangladesh. Each cabin has 2 or 4 seats. Usually those who travel by night train with family or friends, they book AC Berth. It is not available during the day. These luxurious AC berths are used as AC Seats on daytime trains. AC seat is the most comfortable seat and its fare is the second highest. The quality of Snigdha seat is right after the AC seat. It’s also considered as the elite seat. The remaining seats are Shovan Chair and Shovan. Shovan Chair is a non-AC second class seat. Shovan Chair is available on almost all intercity trains in Bangladesh. Shovan Chair’s ticket price is higher than Shovan’s. The seat is fairly comfortable. The largest number of train passengers booked this seat. The lowest cost seat is called Shovan. It is not present in all intercity trains nowadays.

Sirajganj Express Train Schedule

Dhaka to Sirajganj, Sirajganj to Dhaka

Dhaka to Sirajganj intercity train Sirajganj Express leaves Dhaka at 05:00 pm and reaches Sirajganj at 09:30 pm. Conversely, Dhaka-bound Sirajganj Express leaves Sirajganj Bazar at 06:00 AM and reaches Dhaka at 10:15 AM. Saturday is the weekly off day of Sirajganj Express.

Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Schedule

Train Name From To Off Day
776 - Sirajganj Express Dhaka Sirajganj Saturday
05:00 PM 09:30 PM

Sirajganj to Dhaka Train Schedule

Train Name From To Off Day
775 - Sirajganj Express Sirajganj Dhaka Saturday
06:00 AM 10:15 AM
Dhaka to Sirajganj, Sirajganj Express train Schedule
Dhaka to Sirajganj intercity train Sirajganj Express.

Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Ticket Price for Sirajganj Express

Sirajganj Express intercity train currently contains 6 types of seats. These are: Shovan Chair, 1st Class Chair, Snigdha, 1st Berth, AC Seat and AC Berth. The table below shows Dhaka to Sirajganj train ticket price of each type of seats for Sirajganj Express train.

Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Ticket Price 2023

Seat Class Ticket Price
Shovan Chair 295 Taka
1st Class Chair 390 Taka
Snigdha 490 Taka
1st Berth 585 Taka
AC Seat 585 Taka
AC Berth 880 Taka

Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Ticket Online

From now on you can buy train tickets online from the comfort of your own home, for Dhaka to Sirajganj or for any other destination you need. That means you no longer have to physically show up at train stations and stand in ques to get a train ticket. Moreover, buying train tickets online is a short and easy process, it takes nothing more than using a laptop or smartphone and a couple of minutes.

The slight limitation of buying train tickets online is that you cannot buy more than 4 tickets at a time, and you have to choose any one or more from the 5 different quality of seats.

To purchase train tickets online, sign up and sign in providing your name, phone number and e-mail address by entering the e-sheba website of Bangladesh Railway. Then you will see a form with six cells. Give information about when and where you want to go, how many seats you want of which quality, whether you have any child companion, and then click on the Find button. Therefore names of available trains on your desired date and the ticket price will be displayed.

If all goes well, now click on the Purchase Ticket button and pay your ticket price via credit card or bKash. Online train tickets will be delivered to your e-mail immediately. Print this e-ticket from your inbox and submit it to the concerned station 15 minutes before the scheduled time of your trip along with a photocopy of your National ID card. Then the station master will give you your original tickets.

We’ve briefly explained here the process of how to buy online train ticket. If you do not understand something clearly or you look for a step by step guideline about online train ticket, please take a look at this article: Bangladesh Railway Online Ticket.

Sirajganj Express Train's Video

Finally, watch a wonderful video where Sirajganj Express train turning and running fast towards its destination.

If You've Further Queries

This was all the necessary information about Dhaka to Sirajganj train schedule and ticket price 2023. Please feel free to contact us if you’ve any further question about this.

Have a nice journey!

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2 thoughts on “Sirajganj Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023”

  1. Dr Abhijeet Ray

    Can indian book ticket from Dhaka to Sirajganj. I am from Kolkata. If so, how can I?

  2. Dr Abhijeet Ray

    I have Visa and Master Card.
    I like to book Rail ticket.
    I reside in Kolkata.

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