Sylhet to Dhaka Bus: Ticket Price & Contacts
Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. Just like from other districts of the country, thousands of people from Sylhet also go to Dhaka everyday for various needs. They want to know how to go from Sylhet to Dhaka, which buses run on Sylhet to Dhaka route, where to get Sylhet to Dhaka bus ticket, what is the distance from Sylhet to Dhaka by road, how much is the ticket price from Sylhet to Dhaka bus, where is the ticket counter of Dhaka bound buses in Sylhet city, whether the bus counter has a phone number to confirm their bus ticket, etc.
Well, this article contains all such information for your bus journey from Sylhet to Dhaka and the answers to all your questions. So, please keep scrawling.
Table of Contents
Sylhet to Dhaka Distance
Sylhet to Dhaka distance by road is 245 kilometers. And the distance from Sylhet to Dhaka by rail is 319 kilometers. At present, 8 non-AC and 5 AC buses are running on Sylhet to Dhaka road. Among them, buses of Ena Transport (Pvt) Ltd, Hanif Enterprise and Shyamoli Paribahan are the most popular.
It takes about 6 hours to reach Dhaka from Sylhet by bus.
On the other hand, Bangladesh Railway is operating 4 intercity and 1 mail train on Sylht to Dhaka route. The train Parabat Express leaves at 03:45 PM from Sylhet Railway Station for Dhaka and reaches its destination at 10:40 PM, except Tuesday. 1st class chair will cost 425 taka. For details about Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price, please check: Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule 2021.
Sylhet to Dhaka Bus List
Sylhet to Dhaka highway is one of the busiest highways in Bangladesh. Many bus companies provide passenger services on this route. They operate both AC and non-AC buses.
So, we’ve listed the buses plying on Sylhet to Dhaka route divided into two parts: AC bus and non-AC bus. Because the fare of AC bus is two and a half to three times more than non-AC bus.
Sylhet to Dhaka non-AC bus fare: 400-470 taka.
Sylhet to Dhaka AC bus fare: 900-1200 taka.
Sylhet to Dhaka non-AC bus list
- Ena Paribahan
- Hanif Enterprise
- Shyamoli Paribahan
- Unique Service
- Al-Mubaraka.
Sylhet to Dhaka AC bus list
- Green Line Paribahan
- Ena Paribahan
- London Express
- Golden Line Paribahan
All the buses from Sylhet for Dhaka leave from Kadamtali bus stand. However, these bus companies have some more counters in and around Sylhet city. For example, there are bus counters inside the city at Shahjalal Mazar Gate and Sobhanighat, and outside the city at Goalabazar and Beanibazar.
Sylhet to Dhaka Bus Fare & Contacts
Non-AC Buses
Bus Name | Fare | Counter / Phone |
Ena Paribahan | ৳470 | Kadamtali: 01760-079986 01760-079987 01619-737650 Mazar Gate: 01611-950750 Sobhanighat: 01680-292430 Goalabazar: 01715-465433 |
Hanif Enterprise | ৳470 | Humayun Chattar: 01711-924420 01711-924415 Kadamtali: 01711-922413 01711-922416 Mazar Gate: 01711-924419 Sobhanighat: 01711-922421 |
Shyamoli Paribahan | ৳470 | Kadamtali-1: 01716-036687 Kadamtali-2: 01726-6870244 Sobhanighat: 01913-032228 Mazar Gate: 01792-875375 Humayun Chattar: 0447-8880907 |
Unique Service | ৳470 | Kadamtali: 01963-622248 Mazar Gate: 01963-62245 01963-62224 Sobhanighat: 01963-622247 Humayun Chattar: 01963-622244 |
Al-Mubaraka | ৳400 | Kadamtali: 01730-877848 01610-801031 Mazar Gate: 01610-801032 |
Sylhet to Dhaka Bus Fare & Contacts
AC Buses
Bus Name | Ticket Price | Counter / Phone |
Green Line Paribahan | ৳950-1200 | Kadamtali: 01970-060036 Sobhanighat: 01730-060036 Mazar Gate: 01970-060034 Humayun Chattar: 01970-060036 |
Ena Paribahan | ৳1200 | Kadamtali: 01760-079986 01760-079987 01619-737650 Mazar Gate: 01611-950750 Sobhanighat: 01680-292430 Goalabazar: 01715-465433 |
London Express | ৳900-1200 | Humayun Chattar: 01701-220055 Sobhanighat: 01701-220056 Mazar Gate: 01701-220057 |
Golden Line Paribahan | ৳1000-1200 | Head Office: 09613-000333 |
Sylhet to Dhaka bus contacts may change
At the end, we think it should be mentioned that the information we have provided above for Sylhet to Dhaka bus ticket price and phone numbers may change at any time. If you find any information incorrect, please let us know by clicking this link. We will fix it immediately. If you have any complaints about any bus service, please contact the concerned authorities. Please like our Facebook page to always get the latest information about travel and transportation. You can leave your experience in the comments box below on which bus you traveled and what was the quality of their service, your reviews will help the authorities to improve their services for passengers. Thank you so much for being with us.
Have a nice journey!