Train Schedule

Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and ticket price 2023

Comilla is the 3rd oldest and 7th largest city in Bangladesh. The Grand Trunk Road, one of the ancient highway of the subcontinent, passes near the town of Comilla. The Laksham Junction and Akhaura Railway Junction of Bangladesh Railway are located near this town. Therefore, the railway is a comfortable way to travel from Comilla to Dhaka. This article provides the latest information about Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2023.

Chittagong to Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Sylhet to Chittagong Train Schedule, 2023

if you would like to go from Chittagong to Sylhet, then it would be better to choose a train for this long journey. And when it comes to train travel, the question of the schedule comes to the fore, because trains run according to a specific schedule. First, you need to know the schedule of Sylhet train from Chittagong today. Therefore, if you know the Chittagong to Sylhet train schedule and ticket price before leaving home for Sylhet, you can make good preparation for your trip.

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule Ticket Price 2023, Rangpur Express

Rangpur is a traditional district on the north-western border of Bangladesh. Dhaka can be reached from Rangpur by road, air and rail. However, being a marginal and remote area, it takes a long journey from Rangpur to Dhaka. Since railways are affordable and safe for a long journey, most people prefer to travel by train from Rangpur to Dhaka. This article is about Rangpur to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price.

Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule 2023

If you want to go from Sylhet to Dhaka for leisure travel, business or any other work, the good news for you is that the Sylhet-Dhaka rail link is better than ever before. So, you can choose the train for your trip with no hesitation. At present 4 intercity trains run on Sylhet to Dhaka route. They are Parabat Express, Jayantika Express, Upaban Express and Kalani Express. There is also a mail train called Surma.

Noakhali To Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Dhaka to Noakhali Train Shedule, Upakul Express Train

The distance from Noakhali to Dhaka is 263 kilometers. It’s a long way. So if you want to go to Dhaka from Noakhali, then it would be better to choose train as a vehicle. Because traveling by train is relatively safe and comfortable. Since trains run on time, it is important to know the schedule before the train travels. If you want to go by train from Noakhali to Dhaka, you need to know Noakhali To Dhaka Train Schedule first.

Feni to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Feni to Dhaka Train Schedule, Feni to Dhaka Train Ticket Price, Feni to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance from Dhaka to Feni is 255 kilometers. Do you want to travel from Feni to Dhaka, and are looking for Feni to Dhaka train schedule? Yes, for long journeys it is better to choose train instead of bus. So this article contains all the information you need including train schedule and train ticket price from Feni to Dhaka route.

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