Train Schedule

Dhaka to Rangpur Train Schedule with Ticket Price

Dhaka to Rangpur train schedule 2023

Rangpur is one of the oldest cities in Bangladesh, the farthest from the capital. So, the best way to go from Dhaka to Rangpur is by train. As traveling by train is safer and less expensive. If you want to travel from Dhaka to Rangpur by a train, you need to know about Dhaka to Rangpur train schedule and ticket price first. That is what has been discussed here.

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Time Table

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Schedule Time Table 2020

Dhaka to Thakurgaon Train Time Table 2023 Distance from Dhaka to Thakurgaon is about 400 km. If you think to go from Dhaka to Thakurgaon, then the train may be the most comfortable and convenient for this long journey. That is why you need to know about Dhaka to Thakurgaon train schedule / time table first. Inauguration of Thakurgaon-Dhaka train at Thakurgaon station. In this article we have included updated …

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